Nicholas Young

Headshot image of the author


Fresh thoughts on engineering, accessibility, mobility technologies, and creative work.

Turn the Page

I’ve often found that the words you write are less important than ones left behind. Yesterday evening, as the Republican-controlled Senate attempted to ram through a 400-page, vastly unbalanced tax reform bill, I furiously tapped out a Tweet that wouldn’t be sent.

True Colors

Writing in Tuesday’s edition of the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, Senator Lisa Murkowski, a crucial swing vote on both healthcare and tax reform, announced her support for the besieged GOP tax package.

Professional Jeopardy

Pain is a companion. It accompanies me when I rise, only allows brief privacy to shower, and returns with every step, turn, and bend. I tell myself this journey is temporary; not because there is a magical future when I’ll rid myself of the second shadow, but that I now have tools and medication to dim its presence.

Talking Points to Oppose Graham-Cassidy

As the Senate rushes towards yet another attempt to replace the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, several outlets, including Politico, are reporting that the long-besieged healthcare bill may remain intact, for now.

If I Left You Behind

I have spent most of 2017 writing long-form non-fiction pieces concerning flaws in the American healthcare system, often attempting to communicate why we, as a country, shouldn’t embrace changes that would severely limit access to care for chronically ill and disabled citizens.

Hidden Costs of the ADA Education and Reform Act

July 26, 1990 won’t be soon forgotten. On that day, President George H. W. Bush signed what White House staff publicized as as “the most sweeping civil rights statute since the 1964 Civil Rights Bill.

Commuting While Disabled

During the last several months, I’ve written much concerning how disabled people are only valuable to the media for their redemption stories, and why it is difficult to attain proper medical care.

Postmortem: The Machine

Over breakfast this past weekend, I described a group of folks predisposed to become engineers as “naturally curious.” Like any intellectually stimulating field, it draws a unique group of tinkerers who often think in ways that allow them to step through a given problem, reducing complexity along the way.

The Politics of Terror

If healthcare reform is a stage play, the curtain rose anew in November, 2016. The audience, hopeful if unsure, beheld a ragtag group of players flanking our most ill-advised main character.

Shades of Rare Illness

I submitted the following essay to The Cannabist last Friday in response to Season 3, Episode 9 of The Cannabist Show. Ultimately, editor Alex Pasquariello decided it wasn’t a fit for their publication, noting in his response that, “as your submission observes and a cursory Google search reveals, EDS is an incredibly complicated medical topic,” and suggested that I submit it as a comment on Facebook.